Saturday, February 28, 2015

Another busy week here in Georgia, as will be next week. We are on week 2 of a 3 week stretch with trials each weekend and a lot of traveling to each stake and back to the other to run all the dogs. This weeks trials are held in Americus Georgia, and Leesburg Georgia. While they are not far from our kennel down here there is constant running back and forth between the two trials. The Americus trial is being held by the Southwest Georgia Retriever Club. And the Leesburg trial is being held by the Tall Pines Retriever Club.

Yesterday was a big day for us here at the kennel. One of our very own placed 2nd in the Qaulifying stake and is now Qualified All Age. Congratulations to owner Mike Wilson, trainer Marc Patton, and the rest of the Hidden Acres crew on getting Dominator's Slapshot "Puck" qualified all age!

Today we start over again and I'm hoping to have a good day with Kirby and bring home some color too! Getting two young dogs qualified all age in the same weekend would be huge for us! Hopefully we get it done!

Wish us all luck! I'll be sure to post results tomorrow!


  1. I am so jealous that you are in sunny warm Georgia right now! I could definitely use some sun after this last week and a half of frigid MN weather. Congrats to the winners of the competition! What is your favorite place for you and your dog to compete?

  2. It has actually been cold and rainy the majority of the time I have been down here. It finally warmed up the last few days, but more rain and a cold spell is in the works starting tomorrow. I can't complain though, better than snow and ice I suppose.
