Saturday, February 28, 2015

Another busy week here in Georgia, as will be next week. We are on week 2 of a 3 week stretch with trials each weekend and a lot of traveling to each stake and back to the other to run all the dogs. This weeks trials are held in Americus Georgia, and Leesburg Georgia. While they are not far from our kennel down here there is constant running back and forth between the two trials. The Americus trial is being held by the Southwest Georgia Retriever Club. And the Leesburg trial is being held by the Tall Pines Retriever Club.

Yesterday was a big day for us here at the kennel. One of our very own placed 2nd in the Qaulifying stake and is now Qualified All Age. Congratulations to owner Mike Wilson, trainer Marc Patton, and the rest of the Hidden Acres crew on getting Dominator's Slapshot "Puck" qualified all age!

Today we start over again and I'm hoping to have a good day with Kirby and bring home some color too! Getting two young dogs qualified all age in the same weekend would be huge for us! Hopefully we get it done!

Wish us all luck! I'll be sure to post results tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This week is a trial week for us so it is pretty busy. We are running a lot of set ups each day but they are confidence building set ups. A lot of singles and very few multiples are being thrown. We have four derby dogs that are running this weekend and they are all looking pretty good. It is a fine balance between getting the derby dogs prepared for the trial this weekend and keeping the qualifying dogs in check and tight enough for the preparation of next week's trial. With the big dogs we ran the same set of marks but we added a tough blind to run after the marks.

Kirby is looking pretty good, with the exception of his obedience. Due to the confidence building we are doing with the dogs his head has gotten a little big and he doesn't think we need to work as a team right now. So the next couple of days I will be focusing on keeping him in check and tone him down a bit. I am looking forward to our next trial as I am quite pleased with how Kirby is looking and would really be ecstatic with a Q win or 2nd place finish. This is very important to me as he would be one of only a handful of pointing labs to achieve QAA status and would be a very popular stud dog.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The truck is fixed and running well. So it was back to the training grind again today. We ran a cheaty water double and worked on having the big dogs swim down the shore. This means the dog will swim parallel to the shore and not cut out early to run the bank. This is a pretty difficult concept to teach because it is obviously quicker and easier for the dog to run than swim. Kirby did great on this double. A had very small hunt on both birds but he was quite honest and stayed in the water the whole way through the swim.

After running our marks we set up a double blind. We ran back across the same location we ran marks for influence to get the dogs to try to cheat the water and catch them with their hand in the cookie jar to get a good teaching opportunity in. Kirby has been running crummy blinds this last week or so because of the battle I had to get in with him. Today, he looked a little better. He ran well on the first blind. It was a land blind about 100 yards long and through a tight keyhole between a couple of trees. He lined this blind and had good momentum. The water blind was a sharp angle entry, and they had to fight through running water before they go to the swim down the shore. Most all of the dogs faded right towards shore while in the running water. Kirby was the same. So I had to handle him back into water. He tried squaring the bank, so I handled again. This was a good teaching day for the dogs.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The next few days will be pretty slow for us training here in Dawson Georgia. Our 14 hole chassis rig had some engine issues that needed to be taken care of. The injectors on it went bad and the truck wasn't operating efficiently and was blowing a LOT of white smoke which can't be good for the dogs to be breathing in all the time. So, the truck is in the shop and we are here to do drill work and run what we can for marks around the kennel property. We had some down time between trials so now was the time to take the small break in training. Hopefully we are up and ready to go by Wednesday and can get the dogs back in the swing of things.

The next trial we run is on the 20th of February. It is a derby, open, and amateur all age stakes trial. There is no qualifying meaning Kirby and I are not running in it. That's OK though since we are working through some issues that needed to be addressed and should be all ironed out by the next time we run.

With the highly competitive nature of field trials its pretty much a waste of your entry fee if the dog isn't on its game for that particular day. This is why it is so important to keep a well balanced dog in training. Don't let the dog get too high, or don't squash the dog with obedience and get it too low because then it will have a pukey attitude towards training and you will just get in a battle and not accomplish very much with the dog.

Here is a picture I promised of Kirby and me with his JAM ribbon from the first trial we ran last week.


Friday, February 6, 2015

The last couple of days have been a break down Kirby's attitude and get him back to respecting me as a trainer. I took him to the point yesterday where he wanted to quit working, but I forced him through it and made him finish the task at hand. It all started with him being hard headed and thinking he knew where the blind was planted better than I did. He started blowing off sit whistles and started auto casting. This is where he doesn't wait for me to cast him a direction, getting him closer to the blind, but decides he wants to go on his own and not work as a team with me. So, I broke him yesterday and really hounded him for every little bit of defiance he gave me while he was supposed to be sitting rock solid. His blind running will be horrible for the next week or two but it needed to be done.

On the other hand, his marking has been exceptional and he has been one of the top 3 dogs on the truck. This is exciting to me because marking is what wins trials. Blinds are usually pass fail and Kirby is a consistent and very good blind runner. His marking needs to be on point for us to win. And if he keeps this up, we will win before we head back to Minnesota.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My first field trial running the qualifying stakes went about how I expected it to go. Would I have liked it to go better? You bet. But hey it was a lot of fun and we came out with a ribbon. The first day we ran a land triple with a retired gun for the first series and this is where kirby and I dug ourselves a huge hole that we would have to be flawless to recover from. Kirby creeped about 6 feet out in front of me as the marks were going off and he only saw one bird thrown. He picked that bird up flawlessly then we had to struggle through picking up the other 2 birds. Good thing he runs fantastic blinds, I lined him up liked he would be running a blind and sent him on his way. He had a HUGE hunt on the flyer but finally prevailed and dug it out. The long middle bird he took a great line, made on loop and picked it up.

After that fiasco we snuck back in for the land blind. After running a great 3 whistle land blind we were back in it and called to the water blind. This was no cake walk of a blind but we did a great job on it and I was confident we would be back for the fourth and final series. I was pretty excited for this since kirby was the youngest dog in the trial and we were lasting longer than a lot of pros that have been running and training dogs for 20+ years.

The fourth series was a BIG water triple. After smacking the first two marks it was time to run the long retired gun that required a swim to the end of a lake. Kirby's initial line was looking good until the suction of a gun station pulled him off line and I had to handle. We ended up with a JAM (judges award of merit) in our first qualifying. I was pretty excited about this since we are new to the game and many of the dogs we were running against were 4 years old. Would I have liked to win it? You bet I would have. But I was content with green... Until next time. I WANT THAT FIRST PLACE BLUE.
 Pictures will follow when I get back to my computer.